Where is Waldo?….Seriously?

26 04 2010

I was passing by some pedriatic clinic the other day and I saw kids playing the game WHERE IS WALDO? and I kept thinking…..really? Is that what we have come to? Trying to find a crippy, odd looking guy, whose probably a 50 year old pedophile. Why is  he hidding? What is he trying to hide? and most importantly…why does he want kids to look for him? I say we arrest people like him….you know, if he was actually real. He probably lives in a tree house outside of a kinder garden school watching playgrounds before going to bed. Sick, absolutely sick.

What is worse, why do adults play that game? I’ll tell you where Waldo is, he is in the bills you gotta pay, looser! Instead of watching Waldo, why dont you go find a job that will support you, and your kids, and probably the other woman’s kids who is waiting for child support? Some people just make me sick.

And talking about sick, have you seen tourists in the miami beaches? The LAST thing I want for my summer vacation is an old italian guy walking in a speedo looking at girls he cannot get anymore. I saw the same guy at JC Penney looking at the breasts of some girl maniqui displaying some bra. At first it was funny. Half an hour later I passed by and he was still there. OK…? I left the store, and look out at the window, and you guessed it, he was still there. You are in Miami, creep! I’m sure there is a desperate 90 year old woman looking for some fun, and you are looking at maniquis? Get a life.

Wilson from Home Improvement

26 04 2010

Has everyone seen “Home Improvent” with Tim Allen? Have you wondered who Mr. Wilson is? Recently, I have been forced by TBS to watch hours after hours of Home Improvement reruns. I have to admit, I didn’t have anything better to do, so I just kept on watching, but I never got see Mr. Wilsons face. What is he hiding? and most importantly why does he put up with Tim Allen? I would not be able to have a neighbor that goes around the neighborhood grunting at every car that goes by. Wilson must have the patience of a saint. Also, does he ever get out of the house? It seem that whenever Tim needs has a problem Wilson is in the back yard doing some really random stuff. Another thing to think about. Does Wilson have a job? He must be a retired or have a hidden stash somewhere because I haven’t seen him work a single day in his life. Now that I think about it the reason Wilson is so mellow is because he probably deals drugs around the neighborhood. That would explain all the cool stuff that he has and his positive outlook in life.

Disney in modern day culture

26 04 2010

Why do the heros always get the princesses on Disney movies? I mean, Scar on the Lion King is more worth it than weak, sissy Simba. He just goes around eating bugs for dinner while poor lions are dying of starvation in Pride Rock. And what about Aladdin? He is just a poor, robber, bad dressed man, who things he is “all that” because he wears a vest without a shirt on…i mean, are we trying to promote robbery in our children? Should we go around town shirtless with just a vest on? Because, I’ll tell you right now, I would not like to see the people from the biggest looser shirtless around my neighboorhood. Anyways…Jafar, he is more of a man that Aladdin will ever be. I mean, he has a beard and a cool hat, and a bird that talks. Isnt that what girls want?

And please dont make me go into unrealistic women figures portrayed on Disney movies. My life crumbled when I realized at age 7 that girls dont actually have the waist the little mermaid had. And Jazmine from Aladdin? Brother please….that just does not happen.

And by the way, are we trying to promote polygamy in our culture? Snow white and the seven darfs? Seriously? Because that’s just what a white woman wants, right? One dwarf for everyday of the week….please, this is not Bad Girls from MTV people….this is Disney.

And…is Disney racist? there ain’t no brown or black heroes in any of their movies? what is this, Nazi germany? I wanna congratulate The Princess and the Frog for having a black prince. You go girl! The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.


Fashion sense at Walmart

26 04 2010

Have you ever noticed that the most random people show up at walmart? You could be walking down the aisle and…..BANG! Here comes an old guy with who thinks he can pull off some really nasty short shorts. Next to him is a guy wearing spandex. What are people thinking? I know that Wal-Mart is a place to do some casual shopping, but are people even trying to look half descent. The fact of the matter is that these people who don’t care about their appearance are the most demanding at the register. It is ridiculous what they will expect from a cashier. Let me tell you a story that a friend once told me. Wal-Mart offers little carts with people that have trouble walker to use in order to shop around the store. They are meant for people that truly have disabilities. However, the only people that really use them are people that are. I think that this is counter productive. The less they walk the more weight they gain and the more carts we’ll need. There was this woman riding around the cart that wanted some fried chicken. In reality fried chicken was the last thing she needed because the cart had trouble carrying her around.

I am running out of things to write about.

25 04 2010

Catching up on blogs is not the thing I would want to work on over the weekend, but I have no other choice.  I have no idea what I should talk about. I’ll just talk about the study rooms at Gregson. There are two study rooms in Gregson. There is a big one with a long table and the second one has two smaller tables. I have noticed that even though there is plenty of room for more than one person in each room there is only one person at a time. People will not go in if there is someone else in there already. I don’t understand this. People try to avoid other people. I have to admit that people are really strange in this dorm. I think it’s because it’s full of random engineering majors. I have nothing against them, but they don’t know how to socialize among other people. These are the same people who I talked about earlier that would spend their evening playing Call of Duty. As I stare around the room I am starting to realize that there is a a weird sound coming from the ceiling. I wonder where it comes from. Walking around the lounge I realize that they have a ping-pong table. I did not know that. I guess I’ll stop talking about Gregson because I have nothing else to say about it.

Laundry day at Gregson.

25 04 2010

Who knew that laundry was such a big deal inside the otherwise quiety Gregson Hall at the University of Arkansas? Don’t let the nice exterior fool you. Inside its walls are rooms full of college students that will fight to the death in order to get laundry done. Its a rats race to get an empty washing machine. After months of reasearch I found that the best time to do laundry is at the crack of down when all the engineering students are done playing their Call of Duty or their Dungeons and Dragon. Its pathetic I know but Call of Duty is the big talk around here. People spend hours at a time staring at the TV killing other geeks around the globe and earn random ranks. If they really want to experience the action, why didn’t they join the army? I don’t have the answer, but I do know that they prefer to spend their weekend playing the game instead of enjoying the nice world that we have out there. At any rate, back to the laundry issue. This weekend, I was trying to find a washing machine open. There wasn’t one so I joined the ranks of the feratious laundry washers. I had to empty washers left and right so I could get one open for my stuff. Just to let you know, touching a strangers laundry is not the most pleasant thing in the world, but I didn’t have an option when there are only four washing machines for about 200 people.

Action Movies

24 04 2010

Are action movies the best thing or what? I am watching a really good one right now with John Travolta and Nicholas Cage. In this movie, which for some reason I can’t remember the name of even though I am watching it right now, Nicholas Cage is the bad guy. He is a terrorist that planted a bomb in a church that apparently to John Travolta could flatten a square mile alone.   I just found that that apparently the scientiest can make John Travolta look like Nicholas Cage. They are going to cut off the bad guys face and put it on a mask so that John Travolta can wear it. They are doing all this because Nicholas’ brother will not tell them about the bomb until he speaks to his brother. This is all very science fiction but it is definately making the movie more interesting. I forgot to mention that Nicholas Cage killed John’s son and this all a way for him to get back at him. A funny thing about the movie is that they are driving some really old looking cars but can somehow able to cut off a face so that someone else can wear it as a mask and make the whole process totally reversible. That is why I am saying that action movies are the most amazing kind of movies.  They don’t make us sad or make us laugh about dumb stuff but make us look into the future and see the things that we might be capable of. I know that this sound cliche but I am trying to fill as much space as I can to fill the lines.

Late night at the University of Arkansas.

24 04 2010

I am about to head to the Arkansas Union to get a late night snack and I wonder how many people do the same thing.  To be honest with you, I did have dinner around 6 but working on homework nonstop had definately made me hungry. One of my friends once told me that the only people that went to late night were overweight freshmen that didn’t have anything better to do but eat. i had to disagree with that because I see plenty of people on my junior and senior level classed at late night. Last time, i was there the police had a guy handcuffed to a bench. I think he tried to steal some chick-fil-a because there were chicken nuggets everywhere. To me I think the police was overreacting becasue they called the fire department and an ambulance to the scene. The costs of sending all these people to campus surely outweigh the cost of the chicken nuggets. But what can we say, we live in a world the police department need calls two officers to give someone a ticket over improper signaling (don’t ask how I know, I just do).

Cafeteria Food.

24 04 2010

When this semester started I was really excited about all the choices available at the cafeteria. At the end of every meal I was able to get any sort of cake that I liked. The lady behind the refrigetor was nice. All you did was hand her a plate and she will happily give you a nice piece of cake. As the weeks dragged on, they started cooking the same kind of stuff. Pasta, pasta and more pasta. I don’t know why they didn’t have more variety. I went to one side of the cafeteria and they had pasta with cheese. I went to the other side and they had spaguetti. The other tow sides had pizza, burgers and subs. To me it seems that the cafeteria staff had a hidden agenda to provide a carbohydrate full diet to that we all gain weight. I am not the most health concious person, but I can definately tell when someone is trying to fatten me up.  They say there is no crime without a motive and I am still trying to find one and until I do I guess they will be innocent. For a while, I wasted my meal plan. I was sick of getting the same thing everyday, but the last couple of week things are changing. I don’t know if someone complained or if they are trying to show they are doing a good job to those high school senior so that they come to the U of A but the food has been good for a while now. They are starting to have more variety and the tast is improving too. I hope they can keep this up until the end of the semester because It will certaintly help during finals.

National Treasure…

24 04 2010

I am sitting on my bed watching National Treasure and also trying to catch up on my advanced comp blogs. National Treasure is a nice story just like healthcare reform but in reality would not work at all. I have to admit it would be neat to find that some archeologist found the lost city of Atlantis but the conspiracy theories don’t make it real. I think that the only reason people watch movies like that is due to the conspiracy theories. It is fun to think about an ancient gigantic cover up by the government especially right not when it seems that we lied to everyday of the week. In this movie, Nicholas Cage finds the “President’s Book” which has secrets passed down from president to president. He uses it to find a Mayan style city inside Mt. Rushmore? Are you thinking the same thing I am? A mayan style city inside Mt. Rushmore? I know, its hard to belive. But I am still watching the movie and waiting on commercials to end so I can get hooked on again.  One thing that I forgot tomention is that this time the team is getting special help from two old people. I guess it would make things more interesting to see who breaks a hip first. Ok, the movie just started again and the whole place is starting to flood.  They found a way out by dropping a dollar to see where it went. I know that the way I am describing thing does not do justice to the special effects, but I just can’t stop making fun of the movie. Anyways, I am done talking about it.